If you haven't been treated by Dr. Bock...
There's so much more you can do to get well!
Dr. Bock Chiropractic (Quiroprático Quiroprata) is located in Portimão, Algarve.
Only Dr. Bock has 40 years of experience. Dr. Bock’s experience includes: Chiropractic treatments and orthopedics, injury rehabilitation, Shoulder Specialist, auto/work injuries, Chiropractic instructor and college clinic director, working alongside medical doctors and surgeons.
Here we do more than just “adjust” the spine. We carefully examine and locate the root-cause of your issue. Treat the problem with cutting-edge therapeutics. Then we take the next big step for you. Dr. Bock is an Ergonomic Specialist, which means he helps you prevent injuries at work, play and sleep so you get better far faster and helps prevent the injury from returning. (so you don’t need “maintenance care”.)
Dr. Bock is an Olympic Chiropractor , so he knows how to help you get back in top shape quickly. (There are a handful of Chiropractors who’ve had sports medicine classes.)
Your quick recovery is Dr. Bock’s goal for you! (There are very few Chiropractors who work to get you well quickly, most push “lifetime maintenance treatments”). You see Dr. Bock when you need help.
Dr. Bock has three Chiropractic / Quiroprata licenses: California, Oregon (American), and Portugal (He is the 10th Chiropractor to be licensed in Portugal.)